Sunday, December 27, 2015

Elitery and Inotech achievements in 2015

Indeed 2015 is a very difficult time for businessmen, I noticed that due to regional economic downturn, some of out clients (financial institutions) for Elitery was cancelled their plan to add more racks in our data center. This is the main reason why I decided to start explore another opportunities from government sectors to offer them data center consultancy services.

For Inotech, the opportunity rises, IT is considered one of the most effective way for businesses to run efficiently. Revenue wise our target in 2015 is doubled compared to 2014 but somehow we managed to achieve it.

For Elitery, we were quite surprise that on August we were announce that we won projects in Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan and Bank Indonesia. It was a huge achievement for us knowing that we were competing against big companies.

Alhamdulillah our efforts were paid off, thanks to great teamwork, smart strategy and good execution.

For 2016 am planning to double revenue for Inotech, and start to offer new services for Elitery. Bismillah.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

guess these was the remarkable moments, where it all started...